I've been using Elden Ring Spirit Ashes to fight this boss a lot, partly because there aren't many summons right now, and I've seen a variety of these tactics work to beat Elden Ring's Malenia.

There are a few ways to beat Malenia, Blade of Miquella in Elden Ring, though, even if she is very hard. If she jumps and you just start rolling, chances are you're going to get killed unless you're an absolute master. If you've fought her, you'll know that at some point in the fight she generally jumps up into the air, then comes at you in a whirling tornado of blades, and it's one of those rare attacks that you ca n't just roll-spam away from her. It can turn the first stage of the fight into an absolute slog, as you gradually burn through your flasks, and she's about as healthy as when you started. The first is that when she hits you, she heals herself, and that even includes blocking attacks with shields. Looking for how to beat Malenia in Elden Ring? There's a good reason she's optional, and she is arguably one of the hardest bosses we've seen in Souls, Bloodborne, and Sekiro. Some tips to help you defeat the rotten valkyrie.